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Email Flows

Email Flows

Email flows are strategic email automation designed to complement your service or product website, guiding your target audience through various nurturing journeys, all the way to conversion.

Think of it as a strategic funnel, carefully leading your audience from awareness to action. Just as a well-designed website is essential for a great user experience, email flows are equally crucial to ensuring a seamless and engaging journey for your audience. They enable you to share your story and express gratitude to your customers, establishing an authentic emotional connection that forms the bedrock of lasting relationships that create financial success.


Email Flows Level 1

Your basic strategy for nurturing your clients through core journeys.

  • Strategy & user journey mapping
  • Choice between 2 template design concepts
  • 2 Automated flows (e.g. welcome & thank you series etc - max. 4 emails)
  • AI generated copy
  • Klaviyo implementation & training
Regular price $2,250.00
Regular price Sale price $2,250.00
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